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Prenatal and Postnatal Care:

A Woman-Centered Approach

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2/E 2018

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Zu diesem Artikel existiert eine Neuauflage

Grace, K.; Farley, C.L.; Jeffers, N.; Tringali, T.
€ 89,00

The second edition of the comprehensive and award-winning text on prenatal and postnatal care

The updated edition of Prenatal and Postnatal Care offers a comprehensive text for the care of the woman during the childbearing year. The expert author team presents information needed to master foundational knowledge in anatomy, physiology, psychology, culture, and structure of preconception, prenatal and postnatal care, and the management of common health problems in the childbearing year.

This edition has been revised throughout and contains 6 new chapters on the following topics: prenatal ultrasound, triage of the pregnant woman, assisting women to development confidence for physiologic birth, pregnancy after infertility, oral health, and issues around diversity and inclusion in prenatal and postnatal care. Additional highlights include new and updated content on pregnant women in the workplace, prenatal genetic testing, trauma-informed care, and transgender pregnancy care. The second edition also includes commonly used complementary therapies and offers more detailed information on shared decision-making and planning for birth.

Prenatal and Postnatal Care:
* Provides expanded faculty resources with case studies and test questions for each chapter
* Offers a comprehensive text that covers essential aspects of prenatal and postnatal care of the childbearing woman
* Builds on the edition that won the Book of the Year award from the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM) in 2015.

This revised, authoritative text is an ideal resource for midwifery, nurse practitioner and physician assistant students, and healthcare providers working with pregnant and postpartum women.

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