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Mayo Clinic Principles of Shoulder Surgery

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Mayo Clinic Principles of Shoulder Surgery provides the basic principles and foundational knowledge for this orthopedic specialty in a concise and easy-to-use manner. The book, written by a well-seasoned surgeon with years of experience training residents and fellows, pulls together a comprehensive reference for interdisciplinary use, relevant to many fields including sports medicine, rheumatology, and rehabilitation. Dr. Sanchez-Sotelo covers an array of topics starting with history taking, the physical examination, the use and understanding of advanced imaging techniques, and preforming surgical procedures such as fracture fixation, arthroscopic surgery, tendon transfers, and replacement, all visually enhanced with relevant videos. This book is the perfect resource for all medical libraries, whether you are a student, primary care physician, physical therapist, or allied health professional.

Key Features of Mayo Clinic Principles of Shoulder Surgery
-Highly illustrated with detailed figures and tables throughout and a key point summary boxes at the end of every chapter to improve comprehension
-Includes over 40 videos of the most common procedures performed by an orthopedic surgeon
-Each chapter includes a color coded tab to facilitate easy navigation at-a-glance
-Organized into concise chapters for quick review


Fuß & Sprunggelenk

Immer auf dem aktuellen Stand sein

Mit Originalartikeln, Rezensionen innerhalb und außerhalb von Spezialthemen, Berichten über moderne Operationstechniken, Fallberichten sowie klinischen Tipps und Tricks.

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