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ABC of Clinical Haematology

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4/E 2018

Thoroughly revised and updated, ABC of Clinical Haematology is an essential guide and introduction to clinical haematology and to the treatment and management of common blood related disorders.

The fourth edition contains new chapters that reflect the most recent developments whilst other chapters have been extensively revised to include the new tests and treatments that are now available for certain conditions such a chronic leukaemia, multiple myeloma and bleeding disorders.

With contributions from leading experts in their respective fields, this text provides an ideal reference for primary care practitioners and other healthcare professionals working with patients who have blood related problems.


Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis

Das themenorientierte Review-Journal

Dient als umfassendes Forum für wichtige Fortschritte in der Diagnose und Therapie bei hämostatischen und thrombotischen Erkrankungen.

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