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Clinical Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology

A Patient-centred Biopsychosocial Practice

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Wochen



The interplay between mind and body is a rapidly developing area of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, growing in prominence as many areas of medicine recognise the importance of understanding the physical, mental, and social aspects of complex conditions. Clinical Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology: A Patient-Centred Biopsychosocial Approach is the fundamental work facilitating the management of women's disease conditions resulting from psychosomatic or mind-body interactions routinely encountered by clinicians.

Authored by a world-renowned group of contributors who have led a transformative approach to the way services to women are approached, Clinical Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology comprehensively addresses the biological, psychological, social and cultural factors leading to disease manifestations. Including methods for prevention, detection and treatment, the text is supported by thirty case studies taken from real-life situations to support learning and guide clinical practice.

Detailed chapters expound the scientific basis of the clinical psychosomatic concept, prevention of morbidity and mortality from cancer or obesity, pregnancy and childbirth, maternal dysphoria and child neurodevelopment, pain perception, infertility, premenstrual disorders, psycho-oncology, malignancy and sexual health, illnesses in migrants and refugees, alongside, pertinent cultural issues. This title is a highly topical and much needed guide to addressing clinical conditions that compromise women's health, including that of teenagers, as well as their mental and social well-being.

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