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Fractures around the Knee

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage



This comprehensive book is more than a complete reference on knee fractures and associated injuries: it is also a decision-making and surgical guide that will assist trauma, knee, sports medicine, and total joint surgeons in planning and executing specific procedures for different traumatic conditions of the knee. Each chapter addresses a particular condition and its management, explaining the traumatic mechanism and preoperative workup and then describing in detail the surgical steps, from patient positioning to the postoperative regimen. Guidance is also provided on complications and their management, and to complete the coverage, results from the relevant literature are described. The authors are world-renowned experts keen to share their knowledge and expertise regarding specific traumatic conditions of the knee. Both experienced surgeons and orthopedic residents will find this book to be an invaluable tool that will improve their practice when dealing with knee fractures.


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Mit Originalartikeln, Rezensionen innerhalb und außerhalb von Spezialthemen, Berichten über moderne Operationstechniken, Fallberichten sowie klinischen Tipps und Tricks.

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