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Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Wochen


3/E 2018

Over the past two decades there has been a marked change in global age demographics, with the number of over-60s increasing by 82% and the number of centenarians by 715%. This new-found longevity is testament to the success of recent advances in medicine, but poses significant challenges to multiple areas of health care concerning older patients.

Building upon its predecessor's reputation as the definitive resource on the subject, this new edition of the Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine offers a comprehensive and multinational examination of the field. Fully revised to reflect the current state of geriatric medicine, it examines the medical and scientific basis of clinical issues, as well as the ethical, legal, and socio-economic concerns for healthcare policy and systems.

Over 170 chapters are broken up into 16 key sections, covering topics ranging from policy and key concepts through to infection, cancer, palliative medicine, and healthy ageing. New material includes focus on the evolving concepts of malnutrition, sarcopenia, frailty, and related geriatric syndromes and integration of geriatric principles from public health, primary and specialized care, and transitional stages from home to emergency, medicine and surgery, rehabilitation, and long term care.

The Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine brings together specialists from across the globe to provide every physician involved in the care of older patients with a comprehensive resource on all the clinical problems they are likely to encounter, as well as on related psychological, philosophical, and social issues.


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