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European Journal of Pediatrics


European Journal of Pediatrics
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The European Journal of Pediatrics is one of the world’s leading publications, covering the field of Pediatrics in all its aspects. It was founded in 1910 by H. Finkelstein, L. Langstein, M. v. Pfaundler, C. v. Pirquet, and B. Salge as the Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde.

Since then, the Journal has been internationally recognized for making important developments in Pediatrics available to a broad public readership by applying a swift and fair reviewing system.

Since 1997 the European Journal of Pediatrics has also been available in electronic form at http://www.springerlink.com.
Electronic access to the journal’s website has grown continuously.

Its short publication times demonstrate the commitment of the editors and the publisher to speedy publication of new developments in Pediatrics: electronic publication takes on average three weeks after the acceptance of a contribution and publication in print only three months thereafter.

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