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Andrews' Diseases of the Skin

Clinical Dermatology

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13. Auflage, 2019

Now in a fully revised thirteenth edition, Andrews' Diseases of the Skin remains your single-volume, must-have resource for core information in dermatology. From residency through clinical practice, this award-winning title ensures that you stay up to date with new tools and strategies for diagnosis and treatment, new entities and newly recognized diseases, and current uses for tried-and-true and newer medications. It's the reference you'll turn to again and again when faced with a clinical conundrum or therapeutically challenging skin disease.

  • Utilizes a concise, clinically focused, user-friendly format that clearly covers the full range of common and rare skin diseases.
  • Provides outstanding visual support with 1,340 illustrations - more than 500 new to this edition.
  • Presents comprehensively updated information throughout, including new and unusual clinical presentations of syphilis, new diagnostic classifications and therapies for vascular anomalies, and an updated pediatric and genodermatosis review.
  • Covers new and evolving treatments for inflammatory, neoplastic, and blistering skin diseases among others. New biologics and phosphodiesterase inhibitors for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, JAK inhibitors for alopecia areata and vitiligo, immune checkpoint inhibitors for melanoma and rituximab for pemphigus are all covered.
  • Features a revised and revamped cutaneous adverse drug reaction section, including novel eruptions from new and emerging chemotherapeutic agents and small molecule/targeted inhibitors.
  • Discusses new and emerging viruses including Zika and human polyomaviruses.

After graduating from West Point with a degree in engineering, and Indiana University with an MD, Dr. James trained in dermatology with an icon of the day, Richard Odom. Dr. Odom was the best of a long line of wonderful clinician-educators in military medicine and has remained a model for Dr. James as he has maintained an interest in all aspects of medical dermatology. In 1987, just 6 years after residency, Dr. James was named the Chief of Dermatology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. After 8 years at the helm, he moved into a position at a grand institution, the University of Pennsylvania, so that he could mostly teach, care for patients and write. Among his nearly 300 publications are many books, the most significant being Andrews' Diseases of the Skin (co-authorship of four editions), the Emedicine Dermatology text (founding editor) and the Military Medicine Textbook of Dermatology (editor). He enjoys the beach, exercising, reading and any activity with family and friends.


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