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The Art and Science of Facelift Surgery E-Book

Art and Science of Facelift Surgery E-Book

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1. Auflage, 2018

Improved surgical techniques and increasing patient expectations have transformed the field of cosmetic facial surgery, and Art and Science of Facelift Surgerybrings you up to speed with today's best and latest procedures. This highly practical resource features a superbly illustrated print reference with step-by-step procedures of each technique. Comprehensive, easy-to-follow instruction from internationally renowned expert Dr. Joe Niamtu helps you achieve optimal outcomes on frequently requested procedures.

  • Covers the procedures that today's patients are requesting: male facelift and chin implants, revision facelifts, deep plane facelifts, submandibular gland resection, and many more.
  • Includes an abundance of full-color photographs that illustrate surgical steps and before-and-after outcomes, as well as easy-to-follow instruction for each procedure.
  • Helps both trainee and practicing aesthetic surgeons attain optimal results and patient satisfaction with every facelift.


Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Die Referenz für jeden Facharzt

Informiert über Entwicklungen in allen Bereichen der rekonstruktiven und kosmetischen Chirurgie und bietet Übersichtsarbeiten, Fallberichte und Beiträge zu operativen Verfahren.

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Facial Plastic Surgery

Für die klinische Praxis

Befasst sich mit Themen wie Narbenrevision, Gesichtstrauma, Gesichtsimplantate, Nasenkorrektur, Halsrekonstruktion, Gaumenspalte und Facelifting.

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Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery

Von Experten begutachtet

Mit Originalforschungen, Review Papers zur komplexen Rekonstruktion und Mikrochirurgie sowie speziellen Abschnitten für neue Technologien, Innovationen, Materialien und wichtige Problemfälle.

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