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Handbook of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision

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1. Auflage, 2019

This book provides an analytical and thorough review of clinical electrophysiology of vision, and the progress made in the field in the past decade. Handbook of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision is designed to aid the readers in understanding the types of electrophysiologic tests that should be used in specific diseases, how to explain the results of these exams, and how to perform the tests of clinical electrophysiology of vision. 

Concise in format, the Handbook of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision is divided into two sections that discuss a wide range of relevant topics, such as technology of electroretinography, electrooculography, visual evoked potential, characteristics of electroretinography in retinal diseases, and the characteristics of optic nerve diseases. Part one begins with a discussion on the basic theory of electrophysiology of vision, illustrating physiologic sources of electrophysiological responses, the techniques of the recording, and analysis of electrophysiologic signals. Part two then dives into the clinical application of electrophysiology of vision, and subsequently summarizes the characteristics of the electrophysiological signals in a number of disorders of retina and optic nerve. 

Written by experts in the field, Handbook of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision is an invaluable resource for ophthalmologists, optometrists, electrophysiologists, residents, fellows, researchers, technicians and students in ophthalmology, optometry and vision science.

Minzhong Yu, PhD, MMed
University Hospitals Eye Institute
Cleveland, Ohio

Donnell J. Creel, PhD
Moran Eye Center
University of Utah School of Medicine
65 Mario Capecchi Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84132

Alessandro Iannaccone, MD, MS, FARVO
Center for Retinal Degenerations and Ophthalmic Genetic Diseases  
Duke University School of Medicine
Duke Eye Center, Department of Ophthalmology
Durham, North Carolina


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