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Genetic Causes of Cardiac Disease

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1. Auflage, 2019

This book provides a comprehensive summary of the latest developments in the field of the genomics of cardiac disease. Written and edited by leading clinicians and scientists involved in the analysis and therapy of genetic cardiac disorders, it discusses the genetic causes of a variety of cardiac diseases, such as the complex genetics and etiology of congenital heart diseases. It also explores sex differences in prevalent diseases, genetics-based therapeutic strategies and the use of various animal models and alternatives.

The book is intended for research scientists and clinical scientists in the cardiovascular field, human geneticists and cardiologists.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jeanette Erdmann is DZHK Professor and Director of the Institute for Cardiogenetics at the University of Lübeck, Germany.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alessandra Moretti is an Associate Professor at the Technical University of Munich and Head of Cardiac Regenerative Medicine, at the University Hospital Rechts der Isar, Munich, Germany


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