Master critical concepts to succeed on your certification exam Chapter discussions expanded throughout text provide additional information in areas such as emergency procedures, as well as urinalysis and hematology, sanitation, sterilization, and disinfection, small and large animal nutrition and feeding, and exotic animal medicine.
UPDATED basic and clinical sciences; clinical applications; patient management, nursing and nutrition; anesthesia and pharmacology; and professional practices and issues.Coverage of multiple species, including dogs, cats, large animals, birds, reptiles, and laboratory animals, prepares readers for all aspects of the national board examination.A user-friendly outline format ensures content can be quickly comprehended and is conducive to classification and grouping of material, which helps the reader retain the content.End-of-chapter review questions cover the content in each of the chapters equally, providing you with a solid review of the vet tech curriculum and of the information you will need to know to pass the VTNE.Full-color format features vivid color photos to support comprehension and recognition of essential concepts including histology, hematology, diagnostic microbiology and mycology, virology, urinalysis, and parasitology.Easy-to-read summaries support visual learners and serve as useful review and study tools. Detailed Appendices provide you with quick access to helpful resources for veterinary technicians.- NEW The use and care of endoscopic equipment
added to the Ultrasound and Other Imaging Modalities chapter.