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Radionuclide Tracer Techniques in Haematology

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1. Auflage, 2013

Radionuclide Tracer Techniques in Haematology present an extensive examination of the use of radionuclides in diagnostic medicine and in haematology. It discusses the fundamental structure of radionuclides. It addresses the mechanism of using radionuclides for diagnosis. Some of the topics covered in the book are the analysis of ionization chambers; radionuclide imaging equipment; measurement of red cell and plasma volume; description of Geiger-Muller counter, scintillation counter, and whole body counters; utilization of gamma camera; use of hybrid imaging system . The procedure for blood volume determination is fully covered. An in-depth account of the plasma clearance and plasma iron turnover are provided. The evaluation of iron utilization is completely presented. A chapter is devoted to the use of physiological models and external counting equipment. Another section focuses on the applications of quantitative imaging. The analysis of spleen imaging, bone marrow imaging, and vitamin B12 are briefly covered. The book can provide useful information to radiologists, doctors, students, and researchers.
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