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Cardiac Catheterization for Congenital Heart Disease

From Fetal Life to Adulthood

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1. Auflage, 2014

This handbook is an ideal, up-to-date guide to the application of catheter-based interventions across the entire patient age range, from fetal life through to adulthood. Clear instruction is offered on techniques of vascular access, valve dilatation, angioplasty, stent implantation, defect closure, defect creation, pulmonary valve implantation and the hybrid approach, as well as miscellaneous other procedures. Topics are approached using a step-by-step format, ensuring that the reader will immediately be able to access information relevant to daily practice. Many explanatory figures and drawings are included in each chapter in order to clarify further how to plan, perform and evaluate diagnostic and interventional procedures in the field of congenital heart disease. Attention is drawn to important tips and tricks that will assist in achieving optimal outcomes and an appendix includes additional general equations and BSA and oxygen consumption charts.
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