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Venoms of the Hymenoptera

Biochemical, Pharmacological and Behavioural Aspects

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1. Auflage, 2013

Venoms of the Hymenoptera: Biochemical, Pharmacological, and Behavioral Aspects contains papers that deals with the study of the venoms and toxins produced by insects belonging to the order of the Hymenoptera. The book provides a considerable amount of information in the study of the venoms of the Hymenoptera. There are chapters that focus on the history of the research made on the order of the Hymenoptera; the stinging apparatus; venom collection; physiological effects of venoms produced by particular insects belonging to the order; and the pharmacological uses of the venoms and toxins. Entomologists, physiologists, pharmacologists, biochemists, and researchers developing drugs and pesticides will find this text extremely useful.
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