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Vascular Surgery: A Clinical Guide to Decision Making

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Presents indications, techniques and results for various vascular surgery procedures completed with an overview about pros and cons of a treatment, allowing readers to make a quick decision when facing peculiar clinical cases
Adopts a translational approach, dissecting the background knowledge of vascular pathology and linking it to application in surgical techniques, along with a summary tips and tricks regarding surgical maneuvers
A global involvement from experienced vascular surgeons in the field, covering surgical techniques and important research from around the world, devising the future developments of the field

Table Of Contents:

i. Mechanisms of pathophysiology
ii. Overview of literature and scientific background
iii. Quick decision making in clinical practice
iv. Open surgery and endo-treatment: tips and tricks; pros and contras of each treatment
v. Update of the research and perspectives for the future

1. Is anatomo-pathology useful in vascular surgery?
2. Update of cardiovascular risk factors and atherosclerosis
3. Carotid pathology
4. Subclavian, vertebral and upper limb arteries
5. Artero-Venous fistulas: surgical and endovascular approaches
6. Thoracic aorta
7. Thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysms
8. Visceral vessels
9. Abdominal aortic aneurysms and steno-occlusive pathology of the aorta and its branches
10. Peripheral arteries
11. Diabetic arteriopathy and diabetic foot
12. Trauma
13. Connective tissue vascular diseases
14. Deep venous system
15. Superficial venous system


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