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The Surgical Handbook

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A patient-focused practical handbook for rapid acquisition of broad surgical knowledge

The Surgical Handbook by Michael Karsy and esteemed colleagues addresses training gaps by exposing early trainees, medical students, residents, advanced practice providers, and non-specialists to a diverse array of surgical subspecialty diseases and acute management topics. The impressive breadth of content presented in this resource reflects multidisciplinary contributions. The text covers far more than existing medical handbooks, while featuring concise distillation of key points conducive to learning.

The book is organized by 16 sections starting with general perioperative and operative management of topics that apply to all surgeons, such as critical care, trauma, and general surgery. Subsequent chapters encompass a full spectrum of surgical specialties—from vascular and cardiothoracic—to neurosurgery and orthopaedics, as well as handy evidence-based reference guides. The focused collection of topics within each section serves as a useful resource for learning about management of specific diseases and also a starting point for self-directed learning.

Key Highlights

Bullet points, illustrations, diagrams, and figures enhance rapid acquisition of knowledge
Tables on acute diagnosis and management of common inpatient scenarios such as electrolyte and acid/base disturbances provide easy-to-use tools
Clinical references include practice pearls on trauma management, key medications for common inpatient conditions, acute patient events (e.g. cardiac and stroke), anesthesia and intubation medications, and preoperative and post-anesthesia issues

This backpack companion will benefit medical students and junior surgical residents during rotations and clerkships and help early-career clinicians gain insights into timely disease recognition, initial management, surgical risks, and when to make referrals.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com.


Langenbecks Archives of Surgery

Präsentiert die besten Forschungsergebnisse

Für die Bereiche der klinischen Chirurgie, chirurgischen Grundlagenforschung, der allgemeinen und gastrointestinalen Chirurgie sowie der Transplantationschirurgie.

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Alles zum Thema Magen-Darm-Endoskopie

Bietet Übersichtsartikel, Originalbeiträge, prospektive Studien, Übersichten zu diagnostischen und therapeutischen Fortschritten sowie Berichterstattungen über Tagungen.

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Der Chirurg

Alles rund um die operative Medizin

Bietet in jeder Ausgabe ein Leitthema, Überblick zu aktuellen Erkenntnissen und wichtiger klinischer Studien sowie CME-Fortbildung und relevantes Hintergrundwissen.

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